

2021 / Personal Project / Individual

#HowAreYou? is a series of illustrations designed within an hour with a set of rules to test out possibilities. Selected illustrations are further made into embroidery badges to explore how graphics could be presented in a three-dimensional way.

1 hour. 5 colours. Simple shapes.
12 Days, 12 Feelings.
A simple mediation and reflection of the day through designing with graphics.
Feb 10 2021 → Feb 22 2021


2021 / Personal Project / Individual

#HowAreYou? is a series of illustrations designed within an hour with a set of rules to test out possibilities. Selected illustrations are further made into embroidery badges to explore how graphics could be presented in a three-dimensional way.

1 hour. 5 colours. Simple shapes.
12 Days, 12 Feelings.
A simple mediation and reflection of the day through designing with graphics.

Feb 10 2021 → Feb 22 2021